As a child, my great-grandmother, 'Grammie', would visit us every year for about two weeks over Valentine's. Her name was 'Mildred' and though she said she had always disliked her name, her favorite color was pink or 'mild red' so that made it a little better (her house was even painted this lovely pink shade with darker pink shutters!). I thought that was a great perspective to apply to life in general...when it gives you lemons, make some sweet lemonade!
Grammie lost her mother during the flu epidemic of 1918. She would often recount through tears the story of watching her mother fade away as a tender six year old and then fleeing in her grief to find solace under the dark stairwell of their apartment building. She said she vividly remembers a man dressed all in white opening the door, lifting her gently in his strong arms, and softly saying, 'It's going to be okay. You're going to see your mother again.' She swears it was an angel. I have to agree.
well, i digress. the main point is that my Grammie loved, LOVED Valentine's Day. She would make sugar cookies with us with all the trappings - sticky sweet pink & white frosting, those cinnamon hearts that i don't really like, and sparkles, sprinkles, you name it. I can remember turning the kitchen upside down in our holiday baking frenzy and at long last, relishing the fruit of our labors with a tall glass of cold milk. mmm. We also made Valentine's cards with her. I miss my Grammie. Glad to know I'll see her again in heaven one day.
growing up, my sweet mom always decorated the house for Valentine's, bought us special little gifts, and made a special Valentine's meal. I hope to imitate her for my own little fam. I know i'm two days late with this post, but hey, 'better late than never', right? We didn't do cookies this year, since we're trying to cut back on having a ton of sugar around the house but i did splurge on some Sweet Tart brand© 'conversation hearts' that are totally addicting. and i did decorate the house and write my man a little Valentines card (i have to admit...it was store bought this year, not homemade!) hope your V-Day was significant for you in a very special way, friend <3
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