Dear Katy Sophia,
I can hardly believe you are one month already, my sweet girl! where did the time go? like the early morning fog, it disappeared into thin air before my very eyes. you bring mommy joy like you will only taste of once you have your own sweet babe one day. you're my little 24/7 companion and new best friend (next to daddy, of course!). I can look into your sweet almond-shaped eyes for hours on end as you peacefully drink in your new world. you are now kicking and moving your little arms all around on your blanket during our 'play' times. you are awake for much longer stretches at a time and are (thankfully!) getting your days & nights straightened out! you hate tummy time but we do it anyway to make sure you get good exercise and give the back of your head a break! haha! you LOVE the light streaming through the window blind slats, fans, and dark objects in contrast to our light walls (ie. black picture frames and our dark wood bookcase from IKEA in the living room). you will stare at objects and just kick your little legs for 30-45 min. at a time. mommy just can't get over your long attention span! when you are hungry, you grunt and flail those little pink arms till kingdom come! what an aggressive, healthy little eater you are! and it shows! we nicknamed you 'Little Miss Piggy' since you are getting so 'chubbers' and we love it!! Daddy also calls you his 'Little Pink Jellybean' because you're just so small still and you have such lovely pink skin. You are our precious gift from the Lord, sweet one. Thank you for letting us be your parents. We certainly aren't perfect and we are bound to make many mistakes along the way, but we love you like you will never know and hope we can be the best parents for YOU with the Lord's gracious help.
Happy One-Month Birthday!!
Love, Mommy

my growing girl

blowing raspberries already!!
(and check out those cheekers!)
LIZ! You are a wonderful mama! Katy Sophia is so SO sweet ... wish I could hold her! Love you so much!
loved seeing these pics! and you look absolutely GORGEOUS in the last one. seriously. love you all!
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